
We are proud to have achieved the accreditations below - if you would like further information on them, click on the logo and you will be directed to their home page.

Through ISO 9001:2015 accreditation,Vic Young Conversions have demonstrated their ability to consistently provide products and services that meet or exceed the expectations of the customer with the assurance of conformity to all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.

Via the effective application of a Quality Management System, Vic Young Conversions is committed to enhancing customer satisfaction through:

  • customer focus
  • leadership
  • engagement of people
  • process approach
  • improvement
  • evidence-based decisions making
  • relationship management

Internal audits and annual external audits with guidance from WQA (in turn audited by UKAS) ensures conformance and improvement across all areas of the Quality Management System.

STATUS provides members, from all areas of the specialist road transport industry, with engineering development and test services, technical legislative consultancy and a broad range of general technical information.


The Vehicle and Operator Services Agency (VOSA) provides a range of licensing, testing and enforcement services with the aim of improving the roadworthiness standards of vehicles ensuring the compliance of operators and drivers, and supporting the independent Traffic Commissioners.



VCA is the designated UK Vehicle Type Approval authority and with more than 30 years experience supports industry by providing internationally recognised testing and certification for vehicles, their systems and components.


WAVCA is the trade association for manufacturers of wheelchair accessible vehicles (WAV's). The UK market for WAVs is possibly the most advanced and vibrant market of its kind in Europe. Conversion manufacturing companies have been actively promoting improved mobility for wheelchair users for over 40 years. They have invested heavily in design, development and testing to ensure functionality, usability and safety standards are of the highest levels​.

VBRA is the lead Trade Association for Vehicle Body Building, CV, Car Body and SMART repair. It is a consumer friendly, member driven organisation structured to best represent and assist its members within their sectors, in the UK and Europe and in their interaction with their customers.


Renault Pro+ Accredited Converter means we are approved by Renault for conversions on their vehicles including crew vans, emergency service vehicle, internal fitments, minibuses, patient transport, mobility and WAVs, tippers, drop sides, lutons, curtain sides, temperature controls, tail lifts, taxis and welfare vehicles.

The MotabilityScheme provides an affordable, worry-free way for people with disabilities to lease a car, scooter or powered wheelchair in exchange for their mobility allowance. The Scheme is operated by Motability Operations Ltd, under contract to Motability, a registered Charity.